Anne Neilson


10 min read ⭑

I have always painted to praise music. I’ve found it to be the time when I know that the Holy Spirit works through me on the blank canvas—a time of prayer and worship while I am painting these ethereal beings.

In this hectic culture of ours, it’s important to find things that bring us peace. Perhaps that’s why Anne Neilson’s paintings and home décor are so popular. It’s nearly impossible to look at her artwork and not feel a calming sense of safety and peace. After all, her work flows directly from her time in Jesus’ presence—and as a result, her paintings have made an impact on people’s lives since she started in 2003.

You might know Anne for her popular angel paintings and bestselling books. But today, we’re going even deeper. We’re asking about her most life-giving moments of rest, daily spiritual habits, stubborn kryptonite, and energizing resources. Come and be encouraged in this honest conversation!



There’s much more to food than palate and preference. How does a go-to meal at your favorite hometown restaurant reveal the true you behind the web bio? 

My answer has less to do with a specific restaurant in my hometown (because we’re boring and go to the same ol’ spot every week!) and more about divine appointments. I love how God sets those up for each of us—we just have to be open to see his hand in everything.

A few days ago, I experienced a divine appointment, and it’s still fresh on my mind. To give you some background, God brought Kathie Lee Gifford into my life about nine years ago. She has become a dear friend and supporter of everything I do with my art.

I was traveling this past week for a quick trip (not even 24 hours) to Nashville for a fundraiser event with another dear friend of mine, Anne Ferrell. I was supposed to land at 5 p.m. and head out the next morning at 10 a.m., so I knew I would have limited time to visit Kathie, who now lives in Nashville. When we landed, Anne and I briefly chatted with Kathie and told her we would “try” to come by and say hello the next morning.

Well, the next morning around 7:30, we gave her a call, and she said, "Come on over! I have breakfast for us!" She had walked over to the bakeshop early that morning (oh, what a friend!), came back, and set up a beautiful table for breakfast in her amazingly gorgeous home, which happens to display lots of my angels and other art! She had set up China and everything!

I thought it was going to be a quick grab-and-go “hello,” but her efforts and details told us to pause and enjoy the time together, sharing what was going on in our lives and how we could support one another as close friends.

My entire career has been such a journey as God intersects my life with divine appointments. Whether it’s a conversation at our favorite restaurant or an unexpected breakfast at a dear friend’s home, I always tell people that he is bringing us together for a higher purpose.


Anne Neilson



We’ve all got quirky proclivities and out-of-the-way interests. So what are yours? What so-called “nonspiritual” activities do you love and help you find spiritual renewal? 

One of my favorite nonspiritual activities would be finding a great show that hooks me in and binge-watching it for several nights in a row. It has to be something really good and full of suspense to keep my hubby awake and tuned in.

My life goes at full speed with running an art gallery (we represent over 60 artists), managing my Home line (stocked full of products), and writing books for Thomas Nelson. (I have a few more devotionals and a memoir coming out over the next few years.) My life is full. I rarely take time for myself. But one thing that will wind me down after a good healthy meal and a yummy glass of wine is going channel surfing. The hottest new TV series or movie will put me in the slow-down mode, and I love it! 



Every superhero has a weakness. Every human, too. We're just good at faking it. But who are we kidding? We’re broken and in this thing together. So what’s your kryptonite and how do you hide it? 

Everyone knows what a pressure cooker is, right? Well, I really try to remain calm and in control even though I know control is not a good thing to cling to. Then, when life piles up on me and I don’t take care of the issues at hand—yep—the pressure cooker starts to blow.

It happened the week before Easter. I had so much on my plate. Renovating a new gallery space. Making plenty of decisions. Trying to handle problems that started popping up on the job site. Dealing with an employee who just upped and quit. (Turns out it was God's way of protecting me.) Cooking and cleaning to get ready for out-of-town guests. Shopping for Easter goodies to put in the kids’ Easter baskets. (They’re all adults now, but I still love that tradition.)

All that to say, it was a week filled with a lot of stress, unknowns, and, well, the pressure cooker squealed. I raised my voice at my daughter—and it wasn’t a calm and soothing voice. I chose one that was quite loud and firm. It took minutes to redirect my steam and set my eyes back on Jesus as he reminded me over and over again to release my stress to him. I focused again on what we were celebrating—the season of what he did on the cross for me, forgiving me for whatever my shortcomings may be! 



Tell us about your toil. How are you investing your professional time right now? What’s your obsession? And why should it be ours? 

Painting angels started out as a hobby. Twenty years ago, I was volunteering at the local homeless shelter and left questioning how I was going to do everything! How was I going to be a good wife, a hip mom to our four kids, follow my passion for painting, and serve the way my heart wanted? How could I do all those things well?

I heard the whisper "Paint and give back." I got home that day to a message on our answering machine—the kind you had to rewind. A lady was selling my angels and said that a lady came in earlier that day and purchased all three of my angel paintings.

I thought, OK, Lord, let's do this! That was almost 20 years ago when I painted my first angel, which eventually gave way to my Angel Series. I remember sending a picture of that first angel painting to my sister asking her, “What do you think?” She replied, "You have found your voice!"

This has been my life song, hearing stories from collectors as well as testimonies of people who lost loved ones and were blessed by the art and products I created. I know that I am doing something that God has called me to do. When people say, “Oh, you’re so busy,” I respond by saying, “We’re all busy, but I don't ever want to glorify that word. Instead, I want to be ‘B.U.S.Y, B.U.S.Y.’ That is, to Be Uniquely Serving Yahweh By Using (what is) Specifically Yours.” It's been an incredible journey being able to bless the lives of many through a talent that God gave me.



Cashiers, CEOs, contractors, or customer service reps, we all need grace flowing into us and back out into the world. How does the Holy Spirit invigorate your work? And how do you know it's God when it happens? 

I have always painted to praise music. I’ve found it to be the time when I know that the Holy Spirit works through me on the blank canvas—a time of prayer and worship while I am painting these ethereal beings. At first, I thought it was a little selfish for me to want to just paint and praise, and I would question God over and over, “Am I really doing what you called me to do? How can I be sure that I’m in your will?” Over and over, I would question, doubt, and then finally surrender my heart’s desires and dreams to him.

When I found out that Mary Beth and Steven Curtis Chapman’s adopted daughter died, I went into mourning. I thought, I need to paint an angel for them. Not knowing anything about their home, I created a little angel with her hair tousled in a red ponytail holder. The pallet was not my typical colors (more pastel) and after the painting was finished, I doubted whether I should send it to the Chapmans. But the Holy Spirit kept telling me to send the painting. I found a way to get it to them, and that was that. Or so I thought.

Several months later, I was leading a small-group Bible study about how we serve a big God but tend to keep him in a small box. During the group study, I told the story of the painting that I sent to the Chapmans and that I probably would never hear from them but that out of obedience, I sent it. After the study was over, I got in my car and immediately started to check my emails. And there it was, an email from Grace, the Chapmans’ assistant. In the email, she told me that the Chapmans almost dropped the painting when they unwrapped it—the colors were the same colors of their home and little Maria Sue always wore her hair tousled in a red ponytail.

What an example of how huge our God is! Do we truly know the height and depth of his love for us and how big he is? Can we trust him for all things in our life? Again, it's been a journey for me!


QUESTION #6: inspire

Scripture and tradition beckon us into the rich and varied actions that open our hearts to the presence of God. So spill it, which spiritual practice is workin' best for you right now? 

God's Word is living and active and sharper than any double-edged sword. I stand on his Word for everything in my life and will never waver in unbelief. Now, I wish I could tell you that I wake up at 5 a.m. (or when the sun rises) and sit nestled in a chair reading my Bible and journaling for hours. I go in spurts with that. What I do every day before my feet hit the ground is have a conversation with the living Lord Jesus, asking him to direct my steps.

Most days, I try to read a psalm or just let the Holy Spirit lead me in Scripture. I also try to journal my prayers. I might miss a few days, but I know that he is right there and continues to carry me, even in those gap-filled days. My phone sends me Scripture reminders at the appropriate times to remind me of God’s faithfulness. For example, every day at 3:20 p.m. (not a.m. because I am not a morning person), Ephesians 3:20 pops up on my phone. No matter what I’m doing at 3:20 p.m., I know that God will do immeasurably more than I could ever ask or imagine. Other Scriptures pop up, too, whether for my children or my marriage. I always try to pause and pray his Word over our lives. 



Our email subscribers get free ebooks featuring our favorite resources—lots of things that have truly impacted our faith lives. But you know about some really great stuff, too. What’s a resource that has impacted you? 

I’m a podcast and worship music gal. Many years ago, the music of Sheila Walsh influenced me. More specifically, it was her album Blue Waters and the incredible truth that came from the words of her songs. All the songs spoke deeply to my spirit over 21 years ago and truly brought me closer to Jesus as I grew in understanding what he did on the cross for me.

Interestingly, God has intersected our lives in a few cool ways. Sheila is from Scotland, which is where my husband and I got married 28 years ago. I finally met her when my first devotional was released and she interviewed me on her Life Today Show. It was such an incredible moment as I got to share how her gift inspired me and how her music has had such an impact on my painting.

The words Sheila writes for her music are mesmerizing, and they’ve always had a big impact on my journey! 

We all have things we cling to to survive (or thrive) in tough times. Name one resource you’ve found indispensable in this current season—and tell us what it's done for you. 

Scripture and worship music. As I mentioned before, I have Scripture pop up on my phone constantly throughout the day to remind me of his faithfulness and goodness. This world is rattled with division and fear and anger, so it’s up to each of us to fill our hearts, minds, and souls with his truth so that we can then be light in this world.

God calls us to be filled with love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, and self-control. We cannot do this on our own; we have to rely on being filled with the Holy Spirit through prayer, Scripture, surrender, and trust. When I doubt, I blare the praise music throughout the house—or my studio—which brings my heart right back to where God wants it to be … fixed and focused on him and not on the world around me. My goal is to always remember that he is seated on his throne—today and always! 


QUESTION #8: dream

God is continually stirring new things in each of us. So give us the scoop! What’s beginning to stir in you but not yet fully awakened? What can we expect from you in the future? 

I dream of being a grandmother one day, in God's timing. Family is everything to me. I love to gather my people together and travel with them. And then I have my art-world dreams. I long to keep my beautiful gallery thriving. (I signed a new lease for 10 years.) I love seeing the beauty of art and how we can equip our talented artists and give back to the world through their work.

I’m always dreaming of crazy things to do through the gallery, such as hosting Maria Shriver and raising $350,000 for her Women’s Alzheimer’s Movement or planning a dinner party for the movie Same Kind of Different as Me with producers and actress Renee Zellweger. We’ve done so many fun things, and I can't wait to see what God does with our new space.

In our Home line, we are always creating new products for our customers. And writing books and speaking? I love it all! I’m the type of person who can make plans for a year from now or envision what an event might look like. A friend often tells me, “Be careful, and don't rely on the 'Hurry Up Spirit,' but trust the Holy Spirit in all your dreams!” So as I surrender my dreams to God, I can’t wait to see how He will fulfill my heart’s desires. He is faithful!


Do you ever find yourself putting God in a box as Anne Neilson described?

It happens more often than we might think. Maybe we write off a situation as impossible. Or we hold back when God leads us to move forward. Or we start thinking the work we do for the Lord doesn’t amount to much.

But God can’t be stopped by any “impossible” situation. Ephesians 3:20 tells us that he “is able to do far more abundantly than all we ask or think, according to the power at work within us” (ESV).

What if we focused less on what we can and can’t do and more on what God can accomplish in and through us? We may find that a life surrendered to Jesus is one grand adventure after another.


A lifelong artist, Anne Neilson began painting with oils in 2003 and quickly became nationally renowned for her ethereal Angel Series. Neilson has written three coffee table books: Angels in Our MidstStrokes of Compassionand Angels: The Collector’s Edition. Neilson also launched Anne Neilson Home–a growing collection of luxury home products. Her latest work, a devotional titled Anne Neilson's Angels, sold more than 40,000 copies in two months. A wife, mother of four, and artist, Neilson paints with both passion and purpose, giving back to those less fortunate through the sales of her products and original paintings.


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