Be Held Together in the Hard
Do not deny the source of your being. Return to the source of your creation, the source of love that holds you together. To deny by what and by whom you were made is to live untethered and alone. Despite what the world teaches you, you are whole, strong and free — you are on solid ground — when you live inside of me.
“For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him” (John 3:17, ESV).
Go to a place where you can sit or lie down comfortably, undisturbed, for at least 45 minutes. If there are many distractions around you, it might help to put headphones on and play soft, instrumental music that feels calming and peaceful.
Take a few slow, deep breaths with your eyes closed, and surrender everything on your mind to Jesus. Give him every person, idea, concern and question.
Jesus, I give you…
Trust that he is taking from you everything you give to him now. He is taking every burden.
Next, consecrate to him this time. (Bring these moments with him — including your heart and mind — under his authority.) Ask him to lead and guide you as you align your heart with his.
Jesus, I consecrate my heart and mind to you. I consecrate this time of prayer. I trust you to lead me and guide me. I trust in your love and surrender to your wisdom…
Take a few more deep breaths with your eyes closed, feeling your lungs fill — and expand and then detract — with air.
Then, when you feel ready to move on, spend a few minutes writing or sketching out a picture in your journal of how you are feeling right now.
What emotions are you feeling? Do you know the root of the feelings you are feeling? Name them. Are you not sure why? Ask Jesus to help you discern.
Jesus, what is making me feel the way I do now? (How am I sad? How am I angry? How am I happy? How am I relaxed or at peace?)
Next, consider John 3:17 and this question: How does the idea of abiding with Jesus — remaining connected to him, in the closest contact with him and surrendering to him — feel to you?
“For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him” (John 3:17, ESV).
Close your eyes for a few moments and ask Jesus to show you a picture in your mind and heart of what it looks like to be wholly connected with Jesus now. Take a deep breath. See yourself with him. What do you see? What do you hear? How do you feel?
Stay here, observing this image — and feeling the emotions that surface — for at least five minutes.
Jesus, I see…and this makes me feel…
What do you think about this image, Jesus? What do you want me to understand and know?
Write in your journal this conversation you and Jesus are having now.
Next, perhaps invite Jesus to talk to you about the meaning of the word “through” in John 3:17:
“For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him” (John 3:17, ESV).
Tell me, Jesus, about the word “through” and how you have come to save me. What does it mean to be saved “through” you? In what practical ways have you come to “save” me?
Jesus, I hear you say this…
Jesus, in my mind, I see you show me this….
Jesus, show me. Give me a picture in my mind that helps me see what you see. Here is my imagination; here is my heart. Show me a picture of us together on a typical day. Please show me how I live connected to you. Show me how I live disconnected from you….
In prayer, when I was asking Holy Spirit to lead us in this encounter, I heard him say these words:
Do not deny the source of your being. Return to the source of your creation, the source of love that holds you together. To deny by what and by whom you were made is to live untethered and alone. Despite what the world teaches you, you are whole, strong and free — you are on solid ground — when you live inside of me.
What is your response to these words? Specifically, how do you live outside of Jesus — untethered, separate, alone? Name examples of how you live a life disconnected from Jesus rather than connected to him. List these in your journal, trusting Jesus to help you be specific and know what to write down.
Jesus, show me how I struggle to trust you. In what specific ways do I pull away from you? How are you inviting me to run into your arms, surrender and be loved by you right now?
Write down Jesus’ response to you in your journal — or draw the images Holy Spirit is showing you as you have this conversation with the one who loves you most.
As you continue to talk to Jesus, consider acknowledging and confessing what you are learning from him. Then, consider repenting (turning away from) these old ways and turning toward the love Jesus offers you right now.
Jesus, I confess…
Jesus, I repent…
Conclude with worship and adoration, soaking up Jesus’ amazing love for you and giving it to him right back.
Below are some worship songs that might be helpful.
Worship Music
“Let the Light In,” from Cody Carnes [Spotify | YouTube]
“Sing My Love/Like an Avalanche,” from FOCUS, John Mark Skoch, Sarah Kroger [Spotify | YouTube]
“Everything to Me,” from Lion’s Den, Blake Wiggins, Bobby Forrester [Spotify | YouTube]