Feel Me Moving Through You
Will you allow me to move through you? Will you trust that I am not stationary but active within you? Can you believe that my presence with you is not your holding onto me but a letting go of everything that is not of me? Do you know that allowing me to move through you frees you to feel my movement in you in every situation? May I show you what I mean?
“But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you” (John 14:26).
“Do you not know that you are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit dwells in you? (1 Corinthians 3:16).
“And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Helper, to be with you forever” (John 14:16).
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Breathe deeply now, dear one, in….and out. Do not be discouraged by distractions. I am here. Close your eyes.
Yes, breathe.
Stay here momentarily, feeling the air in and out of your lungs. Feel the air in your nose and mouth. Feel the air in your throat. Feel the rising of your chest as the air moves and moves and moves.
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Relax. Just let yourself be aware of how, through me, the air moves.
Then, if your eyes have opened, close them again for a few moments.
Do this all again…for just a bit longer…..Relax. Let everything go.
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Will you give me each worry now? Will you give me every thought and concern? Give me each one. I love to free you from every burden — not that you won’t have trouble in this world, for you will — but so that you will let me walk beside you and carry the burdens for you. It feels better that way, don’t you think?
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Next, I want you to do something straightforward. Let me move through you, passing in and out.
Close your eyes if you want. Or leave them open. There is no magic trick to this. I am moving through you now. I am with you now. I am in the air and the sky. I am in the material world and the immaterial world. I am in your thoughts and your dreams. I am ahead of you and behind you. I am above you and below you. No one can control me. No one can corral me. I am love, and I am the beginning and the end. You cannot find me when your grip is too tight — not that I am not with you then, but you struggle to experience me.
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Be filled with expectations for me and empty of all preconceptions. You cannot dream me up. I give you dreams, promises, healing, hope, joy and goodness.
I am moving through you. What do you feel is happening now that you know I am? What mindset do you have? What emotions do you feel? What direction will you go? What actions will you take?
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I am in you. I am moving through you. Nothing you can control — and everything I can.
Stay here with me, your heart open to my movement through you. See what I do. Feel where I go.
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Friend, continue breathing deeply and easily with your gaze relaxed, your arms free and your hands empty. Sit, lie down or stand. Or, perhaps you’ll want to take a gentle, easy walk — or, better yet, journey to a meditation labyrinth if available.
Do whatever it takes to keep your focus on Holy Spirit’s words — whether that means relaxing with your eyes closed and surrendering your imagination to God’s nudges. Or, perhaps you will want to journal and draw or engage in a conversation with him aloud or in your mind.
Finally, below are some questions you might want to ask him. Most importantly, in any conversation with Holy Spirit, be expectant of his answers. He adores you and loves to engage with you:
What is here, Lord? (What mindset do I have that affects my relationship with you?)
And what is leaving? (As you move through me, Holy Spirit, help me to feel what attitude, lie, or burden you might want to remove from my heart.)
What do I cling to? And what do you want me to grasp in its stead?
Will you show me? Will you help me to understand?
Continue your engagement with him, trusting his capturing of your heart.
Lord, You tell me how I need not fear letting go. Allowing things to move through me, enabling you to move through me, creates space in my heart for the true things that last. You last. You are lasting. You make my heart hold what is timeless, and this posture grants me deep reassurance and confidence amidst change and lack of control. By moving through me, you remove fear from my heart. And I want to last, to have you fill me without fearing I must hold onto what is no longer here. Thank you for how you do this in me. I love you, Jesus. Amen.
Worship Music
“Rest on Us,” from Harvest, Jon Thurlow [Spotify | YouTube]
“Real Thing,” from Maverick City Music, Dante Bowe [Spotify | YouTube]