The Impact of Our Memories
I want to give you new memories and remind you of ones we’ve already shared. Do not qualify which memories are good and which are bad. Fold yourself into me. Remember. And trust me.
What would happen if we let God lead us into an Encounter where he helps us remember the moments when we recognized — and didn’t recognize — he was there?
Memory is an elusive thing. It can feel tenuous, fragile and a bit dangerous. There are things we want to remember and things we don’t. There are moments tucked far away from our consciousness — for good reason, sometimes. And there are other memories we are unafraid to revisit, and we often take these memories for granted.
For all our good intentions, we forget, and we forget.
But what if we spent some time with the Father, asking him to put together a picture album of sorts, a collection of memories of the two of you — God or Jesus or Holy Spirit and you — together? Can you imagine yourself recalling moments the two of you shared that have brought deep gladness to your heart? Can you imagine seeing pictures of the two of you together — you and God — that you don't remember ever seeing?
Wouldn’t that be an amazing consolation for our tired, weary hearts? Isn’t this just a good time — as good a time as any — to be nestled up and hear stories told to you by your Heavenly Dad?
I think this prospect sounds amazing — and kind of beautiful.
Shall we?
* * *
Consider getting yourself low on the floor if you feel comfortable doing this. Sit on a squishy or supportive pillow, and then grab another one to lean against a wall if you can. Or burrow yourself in a comfy couch or bed with soft blankets nearby. As you sit there, begin thinking about yourself as a child and the perfect tucked-away location to read a book of stories. I dare you to do this: grab a sheet from the linen cupboard, pull down the cushions from the couch, and make yourself a good-sized fort, just big enough to crawl inside.
Okay, are you all situated now? Are you comfortable? After all, you hope to be here, listening to stories with God for at least 30 minutes or longer. Also, do you have a journal nearby? If not, consider going to get one. And then, let’s begin.
With your eyes closed, take slow, deep, intentional breaths. Feel the air filling your nose — and then your lungs and diaphragm. Notice your exhalation; the air slowly released through your mouth.
Stay here momentarily, perhaps rolling your neck, shoulders, wrists and ankles. As you continue to breathe deeply and evenly, turn your attention to God and his invitation to surrender all that you are holding: each worry and fear, each relationship and plan. Consecrate to him this time — bring your mind and heart under his authority and control.
Lord, I consecrate my thoughts and emotions to you — all my worries and concerns. I surrender everything to you. (Don’t rush this. Try to be specific. Tell him what you are consecrating and trusting him within these moments.)
As you talk to God, let your imagination show you a picture of your two together. Stay here for a few moments with this picture. How do you feel as you observe this visual? Perhaps you are the child right now in this scene. Or, perhaps, you are an observer, watching you and God together.
Invite your heart to speak into this moment, telling God what you think and feel.
Lord, when I see and experience this picture of the two of us, I feel….
Let yourself linger here. Listen for what Holy Spirit is speaking to you in response. It might help you focus by writing in your journal — or drawing a sketch of what you see in your imagination.
Next, after you have listened and/or journaled for at least five to ten minutes, contemplate the verses of Psalm 103. Notice, in these verses, that the speaker is talking to his soul. As you linger over these verses, let your heart speak these words to your soul:
Psalm 103
1 Praise the Lord, my soul;
all my inmost being, praise his holy name.
2 Praise the Lord, my soul,
and forget not all his benefits—
3 who forgives all your sins
and heals all your diseases,
4 who redeems your life from the pit
and crowns you with love and compassion,
5 who satisfies your desires with good things
so that your youth is renewed like the eagle's.
When you contemplate verses one and two, consider your inmost being — and how it longs to praise God. Be aware of Holy Spirit within you and how there is no separation between you both.
Lord, I praise You…
As you contemplate verse three, ask God to tell you a story — with words or images — of moments he has forgiven you, liberating you from shame.
Lord, show me a specific moment when my sin felt overwhelming, and you forgave me. Could you take me back to that memory? Make your presence real to me; I need you desperately.
When you contemplate verse four, ask him to give you a picture of how he has healed you from diseases — diseases of the body, the mind and the heart (shame, self-condemnation, envy, etc.)
Lord, you bring healing. You love to restore me completely. There are so many ways in which I am desperate to be healed — and you have healed me. And there are other ways in which I have not experienced your healing yet. Will you talk to me about this — taking me back to moments when you have healed me and reminding me of the healing you still want to do? Also, please show me a picture of how you have healed me in ways that I have not recognized or disregarded. I imagine there is so much I have forgotten or ignored.
Linger here. Do not rush. God is so in love with you and loves to talk to you. He made you to connect with him. It is how he designed you when he first crafted you from the dust.
Stay in God’s presence. He is kind, and we can trust him.
Spend at least 15 minutes attentive to God’s presence, allowing him to guide you through this experience of memory and healing together.
Lord, help me to hear you and see you…
This is what I feel you communicating to me….
Conclude this time with praise for what God is doing and what he has done. Below are some songs you might enjoy listening to as you worship him.
Worship Music
“Goodness Of God,” from Jenn Johnson [Spotify | YouTube]
“At The Very End,” from Seth Carpenter [Spotify | YouTube]
“Constant,” from Maverick City Music, Chandler Moore, Jordin Sparks, Anthony Garguila [Spotify | YouTube]