Your Day With Jesus
I will live with them and walk among them, and I will be their God, and they will be my people” (2 Corinthians 6:16).
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Jesus is walking outside in a beautiful place. You are with him; it’s just the two of you together.
You walk on a dirt path. You can hear the crunch of small rocks and gravel under your feet. Tall stalks of foliage and sweet-scented flowers blow in the wind’s gentle breeze on both sides of you. The path is high, on a cliffside, and you hear the soothing crash of waves on a beach a distance below. The air is fresh and cool on your skin, with a hint of salt, while the sun’s rays keep you comfortable and warm.
-> Spend a few moments picturing this scene. Absorb it with all your senses…..
The two of you walk beside one another, arms empty and swinging at your sides. You have nothing on your back, nothing in your pockets. You like the feeling of your open palms carrying nothing. You have no worries and no obligations. You have no fear now. You have given all your burdens to Jesus and trust him with them completely. They are no longer yours.
-> Inhale, breathing slowly and deeply as you completely surrender and precisely give each worry and concern to Jesus.
As you walk, you feel your shoulders rolled back and strong. You feel refreshed and peaceful — happy and content. You feel gratitude for your best friend at your side, the one who knows you unlike anyone else — who loves who you are and is with you. Your heart swells with love for Jesus. You are so happy to be with him. You love hearing the sound of your feet together, the two of you, as you walk side by side.
->Close your eyes and soak up this moment, this experience of hearing Jesus’ footsteps next to yours, his breath and your breath, the breeze rustling the nearby leaves.
You know the sound of Jesus inhaling right before he is about to speak — a gentle air intake in his lungs, the soft exhale. As you continue to walk together, he turns his face to you and makes a comment. What does he say?
You love the sound of his voice. It makes you feel safe and reassured that everything will be okay. His presence calms you, making you feel grounded, protected and strong.
-> Stay here, aware of these feelings of safety, God’s love enveloping you. (Close your eyes, be mindful of your emotions, and enjoy this experience for at least 5 minutes.)
In Jesus’ company, you are entirely present in the moment. There is no other place you would rather be. Everything else melts away but the beauty of your surroundings and the feeling of being wholly immersed in Jesus’ love.
-> Breathe slowly, deeply. Let your imagination and precious heart keep you here in this scene. Continue to feel the air in your nose and lungs, the sun’s rays on your skin. Hear the waves below, the crunch of Jesus’ feet on the path, your hand brushing against his as you walk side by side. Remain in this moment for as long as you can, setting a timer if that helps you relax and stay in the scene.
Soon, the path gradually turns and slopes downhill so that you and Jesus descend to the beach. Green plants near the path brush your legs, and you hear the crashing waves louder now, as well as the calls of seagulls soaring overhead.
Smiling and laughing, Jesus bends down, throws off his shoes and runs towards the water, playfully daring you to run with him. And you do — tossing off your shoes and plunging in with him, your bare feet pushing against warm sand. You jump with him into the refreshing waves.
-> Let your imagination lead you. Close your eyes for 5-10 minutes, hearing Jesus’ laughter — and your own. What is he saying? Perhaps you are both singing as you jump and run in the waves? What is the song? What does it feel like for his hand to grasp yours?
Eventually, Jesus says he is hungry. Are you? And he leads you to a basket on top of a blanket stretched out on the sand. You both wrap towels around your shoulders and reach into the basket, taking out your favorite foods. (What food and drink are you enjoying now?)
After eating, Jesus opens an umbrella, and you sit on the blanket underneath the umbrella’s shade, enjoying the beauty of watching the waves crash upon the sand.
What happens next? A conversation? A nap on the sand? How does it feel to be this close to your very best friend, who adores you and always gives everything to be with you?
-> Stay here, eyes closed. Stay in this moment with him, aware of your heart and what it is speaking to you now…what Jesus is doing now.
You are so dearly loved.
Worship Music
“And We Dance,” from JUDAH. [Spotify | YouTube]
“Be the One,” from Temitope [Spotify | YouTube]